Clark and Meade Counties, Kansas

These minerals were part of a family ranch. For sale is an 80% interest in 17,681.64 net acres of mineral rights, a majority of which are held by production by approximately 20 wells and nine operators. Monthly income for the 80% is estimated at $10,655/month.

We have five months of 2022 check stubs  from one representative family member and used those to estimate the above income. Well names, income info and S-T-R (legal description) for the wells can be viewed in below link:

Well Locations and Average Monthly Income

Most of the leases are 1/5 royalty, though a couple are 1/4 and a few of the older leases are 1/8. Details available in above “Well Locations and Average Monthly Income”.

The mineral rights are all contiguous so there is the possibility of future wells being drilled in this already productive area. The legal descriptions and map for all the mineral rights provided by the owners can be viewed below:

Mineral Rights Legal Descriptions

Mineral Rights Map



Property Number

Clark and Meade County, KS

Legal Description

See listing (various legal descriptions)


Clark and Meade



Net Acreage

80% interest in 17,681.64 NMA


$800,000 (SOLD)

Interest Owned






For more info, or to purchase or make an offer on a listed property please contact us

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PO Box 70538

Las Vegas, NV 89170



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