Acreage figures below were provided by OWNER. Until we get a recent check STUB (which we are working on) we cannot determine for sure whether he owns the claimed 80 acres in 13-20N-6W, but he stated he’d been to the courthouse and checked it out himself and is fairly confident. He did send us a copy of a check (not check stub) from Formentera Operating for $404.72 and dated October 28,2024.
In fact, assuming 80 acres in this (we believe 800 acre) unit and assuming (the most common) 3/16 royalty then an owner decimal of .01875 could generate monthly checks of $200-$300 per month based on current oil/gas production from just the well in 13.
S2 SW 10-20N-5W 40 NMA HBP X 1 (Ham well) Production info here: OTC Production Report- Desc. Search_ 10-20n-5w
12-20N-6W 75 NMA (was HBP eight or so years ago but nothing of significance recently)
30-20N-5W 33 NMA Open of record
13-20N-6W 80 NMA HBP X 1 (Weber) well operated by Formentera Operating. Unit includes all of 13 and the NE/4 of 24 (800 acres total). Production info can be found in this link: OTC Production Report- Desc. Search_ 13-20n-6w
Property Number
Garfield County, OK
Legal Description
Various sections (see listing)
Net Acreage
Make offer
Interest Owned
Yes (some)
For more info, or to purchase or make an offer on a listed property please contact us