Buyers Please Read


Though we strive to verify that all the information contained in our mineral rights listings is accurate, we make no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, either express or implied, and assume no responsibility for damage or injuries of any kind that may result from use or reliance upon this information. Buyers are therefore encouraged to do their own due diligence prior to purchasing any of our listed properties in order to verify ownership, lease or production status, and confirm the owner has the legal authority to sell.

Once the seller accepts any offer we present to them, a “sale pending” notice is added to the listing, although we will continue to accept offers until the sale actually closes in case the buyer fails to follow through for some reason. Once a sale actually closes, the sale pending status will change to “SOLD” and the listing will eventually be removed.

We are not a securities dealer, nor will we provide investment, tax, or legal advice. For investment, tax, or legal advice on oil and gas properties please consult with a licensed professional.

We occasionally update the listings when we receive additional information from our owners or other sources. Visitors to our website are encouraged to consult with legal counsel and/or financial advisers as they may deem necessary prior to purchasing any of our listed properties.

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