Beckham County, Oklahoma

We are waiting on check stubs from owner but estimate that income averaged $104/month in 2022 and $95/month in 2023. Well and production info from each is below. 

4-10N-22W: (1.05 NMA) Presidio operates the Mikles 3-4 here. YTD has averaged 10,000 MCF per month. Presidio’s Marshal-Young 2-4 is also listed as “active”, but no current production.

Beckham 10N-22W-4 Production (Mikles 2-4)

3-11N-22W: (4.19 NMA) Presidio operates the K.C. Cattle 2-3 here. YTD has averaged 4,200 MCF per month. There are two other wells here that may be shut in currently.

Beckham 11N-22W-3 Production (K.C. Cattle 2-3)

23-11N-22W: (.666 NMA) Presidio operates the Elk City 1-23 here. YTD has averaged 2,078 MCF per month.

Beckham 11N-22W-23 Production (Elk City 1-3)

24-11N-22W: (.65 NMA) Presidio operates the Summers 3-24H and Anspaugh 1-24H wells here. YTD production averaged about 7000 MCF per month.

Also in 24-11N-22W Crawley Petroleum operates the Summers 2-24 well. YTD production averaged about 1,460 MCF per month.

Beckham 11N-22W-24 Production (Anspaugh 1-24H, Summers 2-24, Summers 3-24H)

34-12N-22W (4.2 NMA) Presidio operates the K.C.-Catttle 1-34 and Farris 1-34 here. YTD they’ve together averaged about 17,000 MCF per month.

Beckham 12N-22W-34 Production (K.C. Cattle 1-34 and Farris 1-34)

Property Number

Beckham County, OK 10.11 NMA

Legal Description

Several sections in 10,11, and 12N-22W





Net Acreage

10.75 NMA


Make offer (SOLD)

Interest Owned






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